Currently stuck using an old version of Epi Info... Thus, some things aren't exactly working properly or logically... I'll list stuff here to preserve my sanity...
- 07/15/2014 -
*Copying: If you copy
*Copying: if the things you're trying to copy surpass a certain length, all the prompts become multiline... (Remediable by Cutting and Pasting back into the page)
**IT'S THE WIDTH OF THE COPY BOX that's causing all the multilines... -_-
*Can't get it to read commands for Option Prompts correctly... Sticking to Number and rendering it binary...
*So that's what that means! If you double click something in the promt, it becomes the Label for that variable... -_- annoying
*Do not forget to fix the "Font for prompt" before the question appears in the view. Tampering with it afterwards causes the prompt to go multiline...
- 07/18/2014 - after Typhoon Glenda!
*The copy box only has to go through the input boxes and not the whole questions themselves.
*Cutting and pasting can remedy multilines. EXTREMELY HANDY!
*Cutting and pasting screws with the range though. It resets it to the highest number.
*Cutting a group and NOT pasting is an effective way to delete many items at the same time.
*Copying causes changes to field names (to prevent replicates). Cutting does not.
*There's no way to scroll through the pages on the upper right side. Use the Edit -> Go to Page for far pages. This is the only way (?) to change the upper right side pages too.
*There's no way to reorder pages. The best I've come up with is to cut a page's contents and paste it in a new page. Of course this screws with their ranges though...
*The field name sometimes screws with you and resets to using a no-space version of the prompt. This is an illusion. Right click something else before right-clicking what you want and the field name should go back to normal.
*Changing a page name sometimes throws some prompts into disorder. Sometimes...
- 07/22/2014
*You can't reorder pages, but you can use "Insert Page". Inserts before the current page you are viewing.
Disclaimer: These reflect my personal experience using Epi Info 3.5.3 on my laptop. These may or may not be the behavior of your Epi Info.